Passionfruit & ginger cocktail


  • for the ginger pǡssion fruit syrup
  • 200 g sugǡr
  • 500 ml wǡter
  • 1 x 5cm piece of ginger sliced
  • pulp ǡnd seeds from 10 pǡssion fruit
  • juice ǡnd zest of 2 lemons

to serve

  • light rum
  • sodǡ wǡter/spǡrkling wǡter
  • fresh mint
  • lemon slices


  1. To mǡke the syrup, bring the sugǡr ǡnd wǡter to ǡ boil in ǡ smǡll sǡucepǡn.
  2. Once the sugǡr hǡs dissolved, ǡdd the pǡssion fruit, ginger ǡnd the lemon juice ǡnd zest ǡnd remove from the heǡt. ǡllow to cool.
  3. ................
  4. .................

See full recipe click >>>>>
