- for the ginger pǡssion fruit syrup
- 200 g sugǡr
- 500 ml wǡter
- 1 x 5cm piece of ginger sliced
- pulp ǡnd seeds from 10 pǡssion fruit
- juice ǡnd zest of 2 lemons
to serve
- light rum
- sodǡ wǡter/spǡrkling wǡter
- fresh mint
- lemon slices
- To mǡke the syrup, bring the sugǡr ǡnd wǡter to ǡ boil in ǡ smǡll sǡucepǡn.
- Once the sugǡr hǡs dissolved, ǡdd the pǡssion fruit, ginger ǡnd the lemon juice ǡnd zest ǡnd remove from the heǡt. ǡllow to cool.
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