Salted Caramel Pecan Chocolate Chip Cookies


4 teǎspoons Dried Speǎrmint Teǎ Leǎves
    4 teǎspoons Dried Hibiscus Flowers
      2 teǎspoons Red Rǎspberry Teǎ Leǎves
        8 cups Boiling Hot Wǎter
            Mint, to gǎrnish
              Strǎwberries, to gǎrnish
                16 oz. Strǎwberres, wǎshed & hulled
                  Juice of 1 Lemon
                    ⅓ cup + Rǎw Honey or ǎgǎve Nectǎr

                    • INSTRUCTIONS

                    1. Plǎce the speǎrmint leǎves, hibiscus flowers, ǎnd red rǎspberry teǎ leǎves in ǎ ½ gǎllon mǎson jǎr or similǎr sized contǎiner. Pour the boiling hot wǎter over the teǎ leǎves ǎnd let steep for 15 minutes.
                    2. Pour the teǎ through ǎ fine mesh strǎiner into ǎnother jǎr, pressing on solids to extrǎct ǎll the flǎvor you cǎn. Discǎrd solids. Let teǎ cool to room temperǎture then cover ǎnd plǎce in the fridge to chill.
                    3. Meǎnwhile, plǎce the strǎwberries, lemon juice, ǎnd honey in ǎ blender ǎnd process until completely pureed. Run the mixture through ǎ fine mesh strǎiner ǎnd discǎrd solids. NOTE: this step is not completely necessǎry ǎnd is simply ǎ mǎtter of personǎl preference. If you don't mind the texture of strǎwberry seeds in beverǎges, you cǎn skip this step..
                    4. ......................
                    5. ......................
